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Holy cow! - Infinite nature and everyday life

Updated: Jul 21

Infinite nature is completely neutral


Hello David,

Hope you are doing well. I am writing to you with regard to an incident that happened today while returning from the office. Need your suggestions and advice here. 

On my way back home from the office in the office bus, the bus driver hit a cow and the cow was physically hurt immensely. If it was the earlier version of me, I would have cried and cried badly and would be upset for many many days. 

Strangely enough, today the moment it happened a strange silence, blankness was set in and a feeling of helplessness was felt. Neither was I furious with the driver nor was feeling extremely bad for the cow. It was a kind of total neutrality. 

Can you please help me understand this?


Our infinite nature is completely neutral and unaffected by the calamities of the world. This explains the helplessness you felt. Functioning from our infinite nature there is only unconditional love for both the driver and the cow and the realisation that the situation is neither good nor bad, it is just what’s effortlessly happening. Being in alignment with your true nature any reaction, response, or lack thereof is perfectly fine.


An indian street cow


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