Resting as effortless being is not a technique or a tool to be used to fix your problems. Remaining as effortless being we recognise that problems do not exist unless we engage in thinking and invent them.
Effortless being is like an oasis in the desert. When you have been crawling across the sands of the mind for so long, parched, exhausted, desperate for something to rid you of the torment of habitual thinking and all its related catastrophes. Dying for relief from the effort and struggle of maintaining the charade, the imagined ego and all its false relationships and perceived societal expectations, effortless being finally quenches our thirst. Yet it is not a quick fix before returning to the bedlam of the world again, although there is that choice. The oasis of effortless being is always available, and in remaining there consciously, disconnected from identification with thought, we realise that the oasis is always available as It alone 'is'. It is the world that is the mirage!
Upon this recognition, a wonderful thing happens...
The desert begins to transform into a green and fertile land, lush in nature and free from the suffering that seemed to plague existence. Drinking constantly from the purity of source Itself, life takes on an entirely different quality: a magical quality, a divine quality.
Effortless being is our true nature and in being so knowingly, our cups overflow with peace, joy, and infinite love.