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Unity consciousness - Nonduality & Interconnectedness

Consciousness is by its very nature unified


Can you briefly explain "unity consciousness"?


Unity consciousness is simply consciousness experiencing itself in its totality. In other words, in all its apparent forms and expressions. It is actually always doing this, but for a while, its preoccupation with thought seemingly impedes this realization.

On a relative level, unity consciousness is expressed in the Zen concept of Jijimuge or the 'unimpeded interdiffusion' of all things. For example, the flower can only exist thanks to sunlight, water, earth and all relevant atoms and cells working as one. So a flower cannot exist independently, it is really the entire universe! The Butterfly Effect: a butterfly flaps its wings and causes a typhoon, is another well-known example of the interconnectedness of all things.

This is only possible because consciousness is by its very nature unified. There is no such thing as duality. Therefore, consciousness is only ever experiencing Itself, which is to say, it is really having no experience at all. There is just the simple beingness of what is. When this is recognised, life is lived in service to the whole with no sense of separation or differentiation whatsoever. This is unity consciousness.


Interconnected crystals


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